
Amy avatar image
Amy asked Amy commented

Staff not moving during their shift

I've inputted the staff's work schedules and set them to work during their working hours, but most of the staff aren't working.

The model starts at 00:00, and patients start arriving at 5:30.

The staff who work until 6:30 are transferring patients, but those scheduled to work after that aren't transferring patients.

I'm not sure where the error is occurring. I'd really appreciate your help.


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Patrick Cloutier avatar image Patrick Cloutier commented ·

I think nobody does anything because there is no patient on List:WaitingPatients and so the tokens wait at the PullFromList.

I don't see anyplace where the patients are pushed to the list.

You need a PushToList for the patients to be on the list.

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Amy avatar image Amy Patrick Cloutier commented ·

@Patrick Cloutier , PushToList is in the Patien Flows.
Do you know what else is making staff not move during their shift?


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1 Answer

Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier answered Amy commented

At 6:00, for example, all the staff are in State: OffSchedule.

The red square indicate they are stopped and the state is OffSchedule:


And if I look at Staff8, for example, he is not scheduled to work until 9:


So the problem seems to be your schedules. The red is when they don't work.

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Amy avatar image Amy commented ·

@Patrick Cloutier ,

As you said, I specified the working hours for the staff. So, each staff member has different working hours. Some work at 6 AM, some at 9:30 AM. However, the problem is that these staff members aren't transferring during their shifts. How can I make staff members transfer patients during their shifts?


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Patrick Cloutier avatar image Patrick Cloutier Amy commented ·
From what I could see, at 6:00, they were all Offshedule.

Give me an example of a staff (which one) doesn't work when he should according to his schedule and tell me at what time. If he has a red square around him, it's because his timetable says he is off.

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Amy avatar image Amy Patrick Cloutier commented ·

@Patrick Cloutier ,

As seen in the image above, Tech 9 is on duty at 6:31AM (23487), but Tech9 is not transferring.

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